Social media masks have captured the imagination of users around the world. They add special effects to your photos, making them funny or slightly embellishing.
In addition, in recent years, many apps have been released that use a similar principle to change gender in photos and videos. In this article, we will present to you the most popular programs of this kind.
1. FaceLab
FaceLab is a pretty popular app with a good rating on Play Market. With it, you can change both gender and age. You can also animate selfies and add different effects.
Have fun using your photos or photos of your friends! Add a beard and wrinkles. Or test how you would look if you were of a different gender. Do you still look like you?
You can also make a collage of before and after photos for comparison. Then, you can share them on social networks and get likes.
Just seconds and your selfies can change beyond recognition with FaceLab in your hands.

Downloads: 10000000 +
Customers rating: (4.3 / 5)

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2. Reface
Once you run the app, you have to take a selfie, which you will later use when replacing it. Don’t worry, instead of a photo, you can choose an image from the gallery.
Then, on the home screen, we can select the GIFs in which we want to replace the face. There are lots of them, broken down by category and by popularity. If that’s not enough, by going to the second tab, you can find the GIF animation you want by keywords, which is certainly handy.
But to upload your GIF, you’ll need a PRO account, which is available on a subscription basis. In the next tab, you’ll find your “faces” that you can use in the future. In addition, you can add your favorite GIF animations to your favorites, so that you don’t have to look for them later if you need to.
A very easy-to-use and fun application for replacing faces in photos and videos. All you have to do is upload your photo. Then you choose a category. Who do you want to be? Want to see yourself in the poster of your favorite movie? One-click and voila! You’re Rebel Wilson!
You can also change your hair, be on the cover of a fashion magazine, be a character in a vintage photo, and of course, you can change your gender.

Downloads: 100000000 +
Customers rating: (4.4 / 5)

3. Photo Face Swap
You can upload your picture with a friend or girlfriend to the app and then with one touch change the faces. If you want to swap genders and see yourself if you were a man/woman, then upload a photo with a friend of the opposite sex.
The program works very fast, so it will edit the uploaded photo in a matter of seconds, so to speak. The result of such editing will make you at least smile, if not laugh.
You will not only be able to swap faces, but also change their scale and, if necessary, rotate the faces. Note that it will be necessary to upload photos to the application. In the program itself, you can not take a picture, but such a convenient feature may be added soon after the update.
Thousands of people love the app as reviews say. The developers took a seemingly trivial idea, which is not difficult to guess. But sometimes it’s the simple applications that earn more popularity.
If you want to laugh enough and look at your favorite photos, so to speak, “in a different light”, then feel free to install this utility.

Downloads: 10000000 +
Customers rating: (3 / 5)

4. Online Gender Swap
The program has only one function, which is that the user can swap out the faces in the photo. Of course, some will now say that there is nothing funny about this. But after changing the faces, you get a very funny image.
Here you can swap faces with a friend of the opposite sex. It’s very funny!
The interface of the application is simple because there are not a lot of functions in it and the task is the only one. So just from the first minute, you can figure out how to download the picture, how to swap faces, and still do some minor corrections.

Downloads: 5000 +
Customers rating: (5 / 5)

5. FaceApp
FaceApp is a fun Android app for changing the face of a photo. Thanks to artificial intelligence you will be able to see yourself in old age, or what you would look like if you suddenly decided to change sex. The different photo processing modes will amaze you with their realism and cheer you up.
This entertaining app has already gained enormous popularity. FaceApp processes the selected photo using the work of neural networks and changes the appearance according to the story: Youth, Old Age, Smile, Gender Change, etc.
As most of the users of the application say – the result is sometimes amazing because it looks so realistic. Many recognized in the photo of “themselves in old age” their grandparents. And although these changes are sometimes unexpected and shocking, we advise treating them with humor.

Downloads: 100000000 +
Customers rating: (4.6 / 5)

6. Banuba
Banuba is a new Android app that lets you take cool photos and video selfies. You’ll find dozens of cool and funny masks that you can try on in real-time.
With the app, you can swap faces with your friends or even become a Hollywood actor. You can change your gender and see yourself as an old woman/old man. Become a crazy woman or a policeman. Thanks to masks it’s possible to do it in real-time.
With this app, you can decorate any photo or video with bright and funny images. The app includes a variety of masks that transform your face and accessories (hats, glasses, ears, etc.) that you can put on yourself.
Using all this variety you can make communication online more fun and brighter, and simply cheer up yourself and others.

Downloads: 1000000 +
Customers rating: (4.4 / 5)

7. Face Swap
Face Swap is an application from Wombatica Software, which already has several similar products in its portfolio. It has an exclusively entertaining function and can surprise and even shock the user from the first seconds of use.
So, in the program, you can swap faces with your friends of the opposite sex. Or try on the appearance of an animal, which uses a lot of various filters and specialized tools. Dogs, cats, clowns, skulls, and monsters – sometimes the result is not only impressive but also able to scare the too impressionable user.
Now imagine if your mother changed her face with her son or daughter, or if instead of a pretty face of a young girl the photo shows the face of a hairy chimpanzee.
For such metamorphosis with photos, however, users don’t need to have special knowledge in the field of graphic editing. You can understand the settings of the application Face Swap directly in the process of changing the image created using the built-in camera of the mobile Android gadget or by selecting it from the device memory.
The program performs all the actions automatically, you should only use the filters provided. The photo can then be uploaded to any supported social network.

Downloads: 10000000 +
Customers rating: (3.7 / 5)

8. Face Changer 2
Face Changer is a fun program to brighten up the monotonous everyday life, which is a simulator of face replacement photos of any complexity. The favorite entertainment of childhood is now available on the screen of your smartphone.
You only need to download Face Changer for Android, and you can try on a variety of playful images on yourself and your friends, and you do not need to apply any makeup or change the costume.
Key Features:
- Lots of Photoshop-like effects;
- Swap faces with friends;
- Add accessories – from mustaches to funny glasses;
- A separate Object menu that allows you to draw over the main photo layer.
Face Changer is endowed with minimized controls. The user just needs to load any picture, then pick up any effect – distorting, overpainting, corrector. At any time, it’s possible to roll back the changes without affecting the original photo file.
In addition to the gallery, Face Changer works with the main and front camera. A fresh picture is instantly uploaded to the utility’s workspace. Download Face Changer on Android, create a fun masterpiece, and be sure to share with your friends!

Downloads: 10000000 +
Customers rating: (4.2 / 5)

9. FaceMagic
FaceMagic is a tool you can use to create funny and realistic deep fakes on your Android. A simple interface gives you everything you need to create a mass of videos that you can then share with friends, family, and others.
The principle of FaceMagic is very simple, and to start creating your content you only need to upload the photos you want to remake. All the templates offered in the app are organized by category and accessible through the main menu.
You can use this tool to quickly replace the faces of athletes, singers, celebrities, and a whole line of Hollywood stars.
Also, FaceMagic has templates where you can replace more than one face. All you have to do is select a photo and each of the faces will be replaced with your images.
This way, your videos or gifs will be created and saved in your device’s memory in seconds. In addition, this app also allows you to quickly publish your works to the most popular social networks and messaging apps.
FaceMagic is one of those Android apps that let you create deep fakes without requiring any special knowledge of digital image file processing. You just need to choose the template you like and the app will do the rest.

Downloads: 1000000 +
Customers rating: (3.9 / 5)

10. Face Swap
A popular smartphone app called Face Swap allows you to play with replacing the faces of people in the frame in real-time. The result is incredibly funny photos.
All you have to do is upload a photo (or take one at the same moment) and click the process button. That’s it, Face Swap is ready!
I’ve never met a person who hasn’t smiled after seeing the faces of father and child, spouses, or simply people of very different appearance (for example, a bearded fat man and a skinny model) “moved” to the new owner.
But there is one big minus – when you save almost always an error displays and the program closes. As an option, you can make a screenshot not to lose the results.

Downloads: 100000 +
Customers rating: (3 / 5)

You may also like: 12 Best face swap apps for Android
11. Jiggy
Jiggy – live face swaps, gender swaps, face swaps, etc.
This is an app for creating funny deeppfakes on your smartphone. Thanks to the latest technological breakthroughs, you can generate convincing deepfakes by superimposing the face from a photo onto the person talking in the video, all in seconds.
When you open Jiggy, you can see all the thumbnail effects available to choose from. One of the benefits of using this app is that there are tons of options available, and they are organized into different categories, such as sadness, happiness, in love, on vacation, say good morning, say hi, say bye, food, sports, wish yourself a happy birthday, and dancing.
Once you’ve decided on a choice, click to watch a demonstration. At this point, Jiggy will tell you which image you need for the best results. After that, upload your photo that fits the app’s requirements. Then, after a few seconds, you can watch the resulting video or save it to your smartphone as a video file or GIF. You can even post it directly to any social networking site.
If you want to put yourself or someone else in a video with dancing or other funny scenes, you just need to upload photos with the desired poses and leave the rest to Jiggy.

Downloads: 1000000 +
Customers rating: (3.9 / 5)

This kind of application should be treated as good entertainment. And the idea of face-swapping isn’t new. There have been apps that allow you to change your face – like Snapchat, which changed people’s faces in real time in front of your smartphone.
Other apps allow you to make an elderly person out of you, the same FaceApp or dye your hair – Teleport. The choice of apps for processing photos and creating funny things is huge and in this review, we’ve presented you with the best gender swap apps for Android.