A trendy application among the younger and modern generation, it would be no exaggeration to say, is a mobile body scanner, which works together with the built-in phone camera.
A confirmation of this statistic is that young people often decide to download the body scanner program to their phones. The whole functionality of this simple application is that with the help of the camera it scans, shining through the human body, making it visible naked. Of course, the greatest level of interest in this program is shown by the young male representatives of mankind.
However, strange because it could appear, the identical significant interest within the program of mobile body scanner is shown by the fair sex, wishing, as a part of a free download and installation, to get access to the pumped up male torsos through again the launch of the camera integrated within the device.
But in fact, such applications are entertaining and all information about the applications is partly fictional and should not be taken seriously! We have tested a bunch of these kinds of applications. Many of them don’t work at all but are filled with endless ads. We are going to look at the best apps in this category on PlayMarket and at least some that work.
Full Audery Body Scanner Prank
This is one of the few apps that really work. The functionality of the program allows you to choose:
- the gender of the person whose photo will be processed;
- a skin tone from four options;
- the angle – top, bottom, back, or front of the body;
- upload a photo from a media gallery.
So, to try “undressing” someone, install the app on your device and launch it. Next, follow the step-by-step instructions:
- Click the “Start” button.
- Choose “Male” or “Female”.
- Select a skin tone from the four options.
- Select “Upper body” or “Lower body”.
- Select “Front body” to work on the front body or “Back body” to work on the back body.
- Then load the image from the gallery.
You’ll see an outline of a person’s figure, which will be superimposed on the uploaded photo. You need to orient the photo so that the person in the photo clearly fits into the outline. The more precisely his figure fits into the figure drawn on the dotted line, the more natural it will look through the clothes.

The realism of the montage depends on the accuracy of the photo match of the person with the drawn figure. So if you want to make a natural photo, you will have to try hard. But still, the result will show that it’s a photomontage. And despite this, this application will allow you to have fun and spend time with your friends or even have fun alone.
Downloads: 10000 +
Customers rating: (4.5 / 5)

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Audrey Body Scanner Camera App
The Audrey Body Scanner Camera app works similarly to the one described above. First, you have to upload a photo from the gallery, select a mode to work with this or that body part and other appearance details, and then the app overlays its picture on the photo.
The app is essentially just a prank. You can, of course, upload your photo from the gallery and try to contour it for scanning.
Now for the fun part – slide your finger over the photo and you will see how the figure of the person being photographed is erased and the underlying photo appears in its place. But the result of the scan is completely off target.
Features of the application:
- The application is available for download absolutely free of charge;
- It has a simple and clear interface;
- The claimed functionality is the ability to view the body of a person without clothes on a smartphone thanks to X-ray vision;
- The application doesn’t provide users with the declared functionality;
- As the result of the scanning, a pre-prepared image is displayed on the screen.

It’s just a strange image superimposed on top of yours.

Downloads: 100000 +
Customers rating: (3.5 / 5)

Body Scanner-FullBody Quiz App
Body Scanner-FullBody Quiz App is an app for Android smartphones that you can use to prank your friends and acquaintances.
It’s a scanner that, when you upload a photo, displays the contents under the clothes. Technically, this is implemented as follows: the application contains many templates, which are implemented in the form of a naked torso. There are patterns of male and female bodies (female ones are dressed in underwear).
The utility allows you to select any image from the gallery. Before this, you need to allow access to the internal memory of the mobile device. After starting scanning, for which the corresponding menu item is responsible, the image of the torso is displayed on the screen over the real body, creating the appearance of X-rays work.
The minus of this app is that there are a lot of ads. It’s just that every step is accompanied by a pop-up banner.

Downloads: 500000 +
Customers rating: (4.5 / 5)

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Prank Scanner Master
This app can be used for fun and no more. It deserves a place on our list because it provides a real scan of a person with a phone camera.
You can choose between two functions Photo Scan and Real Scan. A photo scan offers you to take a photo directly from the app by following the instructions (you choose the sex and body part you want to scan).
The result will be something like the screenshot below. It is clear that you will not see any naked body part.

You can also select the function Real Scan which creates a kind of real scan on the phone using the camera. But the result is just a prank. You will see a human skeleton. That’s all.

What can please is the absence of advertising.
Downloads: 10 +
Customers rating: (3 / 5)

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Xray Body Scanner Doctor Games
Xray Body Scanner Doctor Games is an entertaining app for Android smartphones.
According to the developer’s claim, the app allows you to scan a person with X-rays. The main claimed distinguishing feature of the app is the ability to X-ray a person even if he is wearing clothes.
To do this, you need to run the application on your smartphone. You must first select the part of the body to be scanned and finger over the body to see the scan.
Features of Xray Body Scanner Doctor Games:
- The application is available for downloading absolutely free;
- It has a simple and clear interface;
- The claimed functionality is the ability to view a person’s body on a smartphone without clothes thanks to X-ray vision;
- The application doesn’t provide users with the declared functionality;
- As the results of the scan, a pre-prepared image is used to scan body parts.

Downloads: 500000 +
Customers rating: (4.5 / 5)

All the apps from the list are nothing more than a fun prank.
Naked scanner is a fake scan of people under their clothes. With this application you can easily prank your friends and acquaintances – scan them and show supposedly a naked body photo.
The principle of operation is based on artificial intelligence algorithms that automatically detect the area with the body and substitute the entire part below the head.